ULTRA LED™ Grow LampsSYLVANIA ULTRA LED Grow Lamps allow you to grow plants indoors all year long – with little to no sunlight needed. Resources ULTRA LED™ Grow LampsSYLVANIA ULTRA LED™ Grow LampsULTRA LED™ Grow Lamps SYLVANIA
Additional Resources WarrantyLighting Layout ToolLuminaire Insert SheetBenefits and Features— Full color spectrum enhances all stages of plant growth— High output up to 25 µmol/sec— Suitable for most plant species— Up to 97 LPW— Recommended use: — Seedlings stage: 6" to 12" from plant canopy and on for 18 hours a day — Vegetative and Flowering stage: 18" to 30" from plant canopy and on for 12 hours a day